
Saturday, October 29, 2011

If Someone . . .


jiweng! yeayy..tonight, my mode is "jiweng karat" ok..haha..No la, I found this quote at FB...Since no entry update for 2 days, so I just wanna share this quote...

If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it.

Really meant it...Who really want you, they will try to do anything so that they can be a part of your life...ya, anything to win your heart, to make sure you will be their partner. No give up, and always try harder to win you..

So, don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay. 

No need to reserve for someone who doesn't look at you, doesn't see your love and of course doesn't make an effort to stay. So, you have to think to give a chance to the person who are really make an effort to be a part in your life....
notakaki : just wait n see what will happen next....


  1. kalau omputih..otak syuk kurang aktif sikit hehe..

    owh kirannya jangan terima orang yang tidak mahu lepak2 dalam hati kita..better terima orang yang sudi lepak2 lama dalam hati kita?hehe

  2. aiez : menanti apa2 pon boleh...hehe

  3. syuxer : hehe...syuk ni klaka la..xpe la..kasi aktif sikit pon main bedal je tulih...=D

    lebih kurang gitu la mksdnye..
    kalau org tu betol2 nk jadi sebahagian dari hidup kita, dia mst usaha smpi dapat tu kita pulak x yah la buang masa simpan tmpt di hati kita ni utk org yg xnak / x berusaha utk nak kan kita...=)

  4. ermmm... xbape nak paham bahasa omputih ni..

  5. shuhaida: da explain kt syuxer tu...err..nnt kena buat dwi bahasa la ni eh...hee..

  6. owh.. xpasan lak.
    better idea. len kali leh buat dwi bahasa. hehehe

  7. Saya suka dengan quote2 tu..:)
