
Monday, July 18, 2011

Blues Monday

salam....morning morning morning...

hi peeps

Monday Monday Monday..permulaan hari utk berkerja dalam setiap minggu..uih..Monday selalu dikaitkan dgn istilah Black Monday, Blue Monday and what so ever...mengapakah..?

According to Wikipedia Blue Monday is a name given to a date stated, as part of a publicity campaign by Sky Travel, to be the most depressing day of the year. [nk tau lagi refer wikipedia eh.hehe].

See, the most depressing day of the year! kalau macam ni, tiap2 monday mesti org depressed kn..Tak baik utk kesihatan lah..=)

Monday become blue monday because, kita ni malas nk pergi kerja, sekolah, kelas or apa2 je la..maklum lah, cuti Sabtu Ahad dah simpan lemak banyak2, tu yg malas kan..

For me, sometimes, Monday I'll become excited want to work. But sometimes, I'll be lazy.Depends on situation.Kalau Ahad tu pergi jalan2 then kepenatan, offcourse la esoknya malas kan..

1 more, When I was in Sintok, the Blue day is Sunday! Know y..? It's because its the starting for class..uih...I dont like ok..Bila on9 je, kawan2 semua cuti time Sunday. Then, ramai yg pergi bersiar2 bila kena p class huk...Now, back to normal when working day is Monday until Friday..ngee~~

Alaaa..hari apa pon sama je.Kena semangat la kan...kalau Monday blue monday so, hari2 lain ape day ade x...? kikiki

kepada semua, selamat bekerja dan belajar ye...semangat2 sket!

image : google

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